Stand Up California Issue
Stop “Immunity/Vaccine Passports”
Goal: To educate on the issues with “Vaccine Passports” and societal vaccine and testing mandates
A Voice for Choice Advocacy (AVFCA) sent a letter to Governor Newsom, all State Senators and Assembly Members, as well as all County Board of Supervisors, stating our concerns with the use of “vaccine passports,” which if implemented, will land California in a place primed for discrimination, inequality, corruption and a violation of the basic tenants of the US and California Constitutions. You can read AVFCA’s letter here:
We ask that you submit public comment at your next County Board of Supervisors meeting (info for your county here https://standupcaliprd.wpenginepowered.com/unite) using the following talking points.
While on an extremely narrowly tailored basis, proof of immunity/lack of disease may be appropriate, on a large scale basis, it poses a significant burden on society, including potential:
- Civil rights discrimination due to:
- Racial inequities
- Economic disparities
- Religious or conscious beliefs
- Violation of the American Disabilities Act
- Violation the Constitutional Freedom of Movement clause
- Medical privacy and security issues
- Corruption, forgery and implicit bias
More details are outlined in the AVFCA letter linked above
Christina Hildebrand also describes the issues with Vaccine passports in this short video:
Take Action Today! A Voice for Choice Advocacy has made it easy for you to email your elected officials asking them to Ban Vaccine Passports. Rather than blast them with the same email, we have created four different emails for you to choose from. Please choose the reason you relate to most closely – racial/economic/religious discrimination, disability violations or medical privacy – and click on the link below to send the email:
Stop Vaccine Passports – Racial, Economic or Religious Discrimination
Stop Vaccine Passports – American Disabilities Act Violation
Stop Vaccine Passports – Medical Privacy/Security
If none of those specific topic resonate with you, you can send a general email by clicking on the link below:
Stop Vaccine Passports – General